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Why Hiring an SEO Firm is Better Than an In-House Team

Why Hiring an SEO Firm is Better Than an In-House Team

Why Hiring an SEO Firm is Better Than an In-House Team

It is the objective of every business to maximize profits. In the current world, most businesses are turning their attention to internet marketing which plays a significant role in helping them achieve their objectives. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the techniques commonly utilized by businesses in maximizing profits and increasing the sales.

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

SEO is the process of increasing the quality and quantity of traffic to a given website with an objective of increasing sales. In another words, SEO entails the process of increasing the visibility of a particular website when searched via search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, among other commonly used search engines by customers.

Why SEO?

As said before, the objective of Search Engine Optimization is to increase sales through increased website visibility. Most organizations have adopted the technology due to the increased awareness that most customers (approximately 81%) do an online research before purchasing a product. Therefore, SEO increases sales by directing the customers to a given website during this research period.

Though SEO is sometimes done in-house by the employees, there are a number of benefits that a business gets by using an SEO firm.


Why Hiring an SEO firm is better than an In-house Team

Better Experience and Expertise

SEO firm is simply a highly experienced group of analysts. Though one may argue that using an in-house team is better because they have a better understanding of the business, it is also important to understand that SEO firm have the experience of working with multiple clients; therefore, choosing an SEO firm to do the work for you means choosing a “person” with a wide experience in your sector. And as we all know, experience, quality, and satisfaction go hand in hand.

When it comes to the issue of expertise, SEO firm possesses extensive knowledge in the field simply because it’s their main business. Therefore, an SEO firm will always ensure that the skills of its employees are up to date upon the occurrence of any changes in the industry.


Quality can be simply defined as conformance to customer’s expectations. There are multiple SEO firms. This means that competition for clients exists. For this reason, whenever you hire an SEO firm, they will perform in a way that will ensure that you don’t end up switching to a different SEO firm. Therefore, the major priority of an SEO firm is to ensure that the client’s needs are met accordingly if not surpassed.

Real-Time Service

As stated earlier, optimization is the major reason as to why an SEO firm exists. This means that whenever you need the service, the SEO firms are always prepared to offer the service just as the need arises. This is the opposite of what happens with an in-house team where you have to spend time, money and effort in hiring employees with the right skills, modifying their skills through training and giving them time to improve on them before they can finally deliver service to the expected standard.

To summarize the entire point, SEO firms are highly responsive to clients’ needs in terms of time and service customization as compared to the in-house team.

Better Positioning

An SEO firm has the experience of working for hundreds of businesses; some within your industry. This means that they have a better insight of what is happening in the external environment as far as your industry is concerned. Therefore, an SEO firm understands the perfect strategies to employ to put you “ahead of the game”.

This is the opposite when an in-house team is used which utilizes “tunnel vision” when it comes to delivering service.

Better Technology and Tools

An in-house team may not keep up with the pace of the changing technology due to the costs involved. However, an SEO firm has to, simply because it is a basic requirement for gaining a competitive advantage. Therefore, letting an SEO firm do the work for you means getting an access to newer innovations.

Lower Costs

SEO firms are established to serve multiple clients. This means that the cost per client is automatically lower since it doesn’t concentrate on one organization. When it comes to an in-house team, the cost is high since a single business bears all the cost involved in hiring personnel, training them, and the cost of buying all the tools required for the optimization work. Such costs increase the overall cost hence acting as a “stumbling block” to a business whose major objective is to maximize profit through cost reduction.

Better Focus on Organization’s Objectives

After you hire an SEO firm, you pass all the optimization responsibilities to them. This means that a business can direct its attention to its core activities to help achieve its major objectives.

Signs You Need an SEO Company

Lack of Traffic

In the case where your website receives few visits, it’s definite that you need to make things happen by hiring an SEO firm to improve the visibility of your website.

Lack of Results from Your In-House Team

Sometimes all the effort of your in-house team maybe in vain. In order to get results, you will need to hand over the matter to the experts in that field.

Lack of SEO Knowledge

SEO keeps on changing and you may not always keep up with the latest innovations and ideas. For this reason, you have to seek an up-to-date individual to effectively help direct and sustain traffic to your website.


Though the in-house team has a better understanding of a business and the product it offers, it may not have the competence required to effectively direct and sustain traffic to the business’s website to help increase sales. Therefore, a business should consider hiring an SEO firm as it possesses the competencies required to help increase the revenue. This will also benefit the business by minimizing the costs involved and providing more time for the business to concentrate on core activities allowing the business to achieve its major objectives.

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